Second summer is a time to bask. The autumn colors are in full regalia, and the sun catches all their light. It’s like jumping into a pool of fire energy.

Second summer is like nature’s fireworks, except what we’re celebrating is not our independence but our interdependence. It’s a time to honor all the creatures and all the earth, to appreciate the people and the communities that bring light into our lives. We may call it second summer, but it’s a deep autumnal warmth.

Second summer is about a mood. It’s calm, warm and peaceful. It grounds us in gratitude.

Because we know that our connectedness can be as fleeting as the unseasonable glory of second summer, we know we have to embrace it. We have to bask in it.

This rare and beautiful season has long appealed to painters, songwriters and poets and drawn their inspiration, perhaps because it’s a poignant time. We know that to be here in the present moment is to feel
stirred to our memories, our experiences and the love we share.

These sunshine-filled days are tantalizing, an unexpected gift. The sun lingers with us like a lover who doesn’t want to say goodbye yet. The sun eases us into the colder days ahead, gently holding our hand, so soul-warming it can carry us through our darkest days and shed peace on trying times.


I bask in the unseasonable grace of the sun’s dazzling light. Like a lover who lingers, I carry the soul-warming glow of this time forever within me.

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